Please stay on topic. Try not to send too many messages. Any spam or unnecessary comments will be deleted. If you have sent a comment that you would like deleted and have contact with me, let me know. Have fun!
> [637] Hi! I did make a little character test animation last May. But outside of that, I haven't really animated much. I'd love to animate a last video for 10 years of YouTube. I think it would be fun. Tell Xander I said Hi :) [link]
Hey, my name is Xander and I have a YouTube channel under the username Alpackin. I'm friends with another person named Xander who told me about your channel and told me that he used to be friends with you. If you don't mind me asking, do you still do any animating? I've been thinking about using a PNG drawing of my online persona for videos and stuff but I can't draw whatsoever. I'll try to stay on top of checking this message board, but if you want to get ahold of me for a response, my discord is @alpackin . I look forward to hearing back from you!
Good day to you people! How are you all?
> [634] Awww thanks very much!
> [633] No problem, I’m flattered you named your name after mine :] Very adorable! It’s really cool you found a name you really like. Angel is such a nice name.
> [632] well tysm! but i think i can say i can't choose a name lmao, i once went by zach (yes i was jealous lmfao, btw sorry if that offended you) because i liked that name a lot then it kinda became eh, so then i decided to think and came up with angel! it sounds cool and not so common so i just love it sm
> [630] I knew what you were, it's all good! Feel free to go by any name you wish.
> [629] And btw tysm:D
> [629] Yk me, it was dashy and before DashZick, i am struggling to find a persona really and i have no idea so i am.just gonna go by angel here but if we had handles i would go with dasheewashee but for now i just preffered to be called as Angel!
Hiya Marxie and Angel! Angel is a nice name, by the way.
hiiiiiiii cool people!!!
I am once again writing this from a school computer, how's everyone doing?
Hello, I am writing this from my bedroom!
helloooo ZOEY. i am writing this from a school computer because this class is so unfathomably boring.
I heard coppa increases your blood viscosity.
Next time you have a dream, you should try Coppa. Tastes like lead.
yea, had some good dream food, like Krwie, Lagahep, and Araul.
Did you enjoy your hibernation for the winter?
I have awoken from hibernation
Mr. Goober!!