Please stay on topic. Try not to send too many messages. Any spam or unnecessary comments will be deleted. If you have sent a comment that you would like deleted and have contact with me, let me know. Have fun!
i am tired. will i sleep? ... no.
Aging sure is a thing, haha!
Hey! Used to be a big fan of you back in 2019. Lot has changed since then lol. Glad you’re still doing stuff! Makes me glad seeing someone I looked up to still up to stuff. Glad you’re doing ok
hello there! I am glad you were doing well ^-^
Good to hear from you, nurse!
hii its been a while :)
Those are some familiar names!! I was wondering how you all were. I'm not doing too bad myself, thank you!
Dunno if you remember me too (Lucky from 2018) we were going down memory lane and found this and hope you are doing well!
Hi!! Its ithinkianimate if you remember me!! Hope your doing well!
Good job :>
Yup, that looks fixed!
"Look at me, i'm a quote!" -Quote cave story
I believe I fixed the bug where you couldn't use 'apostrophes' in messages. I can finally sleep at night.
Seems like some people are sending blank messages by going to the "Add Comment" page. Should be fixed now! That was annoying.
The quadratic formula will not save you-